Hello. This is one of the ideas I've had for a novel for some time, but haven't gotten around to actually writing it down. The tentative title refers to a Samoan legend about a goddess named Nafanua who was born Athena-style sans Zeus' head (fully formed) out of the ground. She was a supreme warrior, and was sought after by the leader, Malietoa as he was trying to become the king of all Samoa. The warrrior/prophetess replied to Malietoa that there would not be a kingdom in Samoa until it was brought here from heaven. The word used for "heaven" is lagi, which is synonomous for "sky". A widely believed interpretation for this prophecy is that she was referring to the arrival of Christianity, and that the kingdom is the kingdom of God.
This story comes from a dream I had about two boys who live in a future world where Samoa reigns over the entire world. Many elements of Samoan mythology are going to be used, although it is a future world entirely of my own creation and is not meant to be a completely accurate recounting of Samoan mythology. The entire world I created is more Samoan in culture, language, and climate/ecology. This is where the current version of my prologue comes into play. It is meant to convey how our world becomes theirs. It is a dramatic change involving some science and some supernatural forces. I am not entirely sure I like this prologue yet for this story. It was from another idea I had for a story about what happens when scientists take extreme measures to try to combat global warming by injecting a nutrient iron solution into arctic waters to try to increase planktonic calcareous organisms which would in theory neutralize human carbon dioxide emissions. I think there still may be a story there. I am currently trying to decide whether the feel of this prologue may be too discordant with my current story, and I think more likely than not it is. So I am writing the prologue as a modular, stand-alone piece that simply establishes how our would became theirs. It should be easily rewritable enough.
If anyone reading this has a good understanding of Samoan legends, and/or knows a good source for me to conduct more research, then I would be glad to hear it. Also, again if anyone reading this sees any blatant flaws in my Samoan mythology, I'm happy to hear suggestions. This is meant to be only loosely based on Samoan mythology, but I'm happy for all the inspiration I can get.
One more thing. This is one of my first attempts at writing fiction, so I understand the writing's not that strong. Enough disclaimers, let me know what you think.
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